3 Tips for Increasing Your ROI in Paid Social Media Advertising

We all know how popular social media networking has become and websites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest are amongst the most powerful networks in the world right now.

These social networks do provide a fantastic environment for paid advertising because they allow you to target by geography, interests, sex, age, and much more.  So if you are considering taking this advertising route, have a look through the tips and strategies below to ensure you are getting the highest return on investment.

Choose the Best Platform For Your Needs

With so many available platforms, you really need to sit down and weight out the pros and cons to determine the platform that you think (based on your targeting requirements) will be the most successful in reaching your target audience.  For example, if you are targeting finance professionals, LinkedIn would be your best option as compared to Facebook.


Target, Target, Target

Once again, the best aspect of social media paid advertising is the almost unlimited targeting you are open to.  You can target by location, age, sex, interests, job, school, and much more.  So ensure you don’t leave your targeting too broad.  Remember, the more narrowed your targeting is, the more likely your clicks will turn into conversions.

Call to Action

Don’t leave the call to action decision up to the user.  You want to ensure your ad has a very CLEAR call to action such as “Click Here”, “Get it Now”, etc.  The user usually wants to be told exactly what to do, so if your ad leaves any questions open, that could risk losing the interest and therefore, the conversion.  Ensure you provide a clear call to action for the user, which wil increase your ROI.

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